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Topic, Game "Jump Gear 2"

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pineapple 12 years ago
  Pineappledude's score is an average of 1628 points better than OliALi's score on every official level :)
I am a fan :)
kiethy342 12 years ago
  Well I'm catching up! I've done 2658 levels! :D
chris3000 12 years ago
  I've done 2,882 lvls. Come on guys, give me a challenge.
birjolaxew 12 years ago
  So, you're telling me Mr. Pibb is able to somehow get our passwords through the chat? I am confuzzled.
CamoDragoon 12 years ago
  ATTENTION: If you see anyone called mr. pibb, reject them and don't even talk to them........he's a hacker who surfaced in chat.....AK knows him.

@kiethy....that totally sucks. I had that happen to a really good level of mine once. :(
kiethy342 12 years ago
  AAAAHHHH! All of my local levels have gone! What do I do?!
CamoDragoon 12 years ago
  Thought so......anyways gratz both. :)
dingdong 12 years ago
  He was 1st. But then i took his place and now...
he took it back.
PineappleDude 12 years ago
  I think he has been there for a while...
CamoDragoon 12 years ago
  Gratz Pof for reaching the top of the designers list! :D
zariars 12 years ago
  @Camodragoon: The levels i like the most is the old platform levels. They are easy to find in official and they just look like real hills. Just to be kepping you up with the info. And i dont know how to make hills like that yet. I am not such a good creator yet.
chris3000 12 years ago
  You still won't beat me, xD.
kiethy342 12 years ago
  I do! I'm always trying to get a better score! :D
AK 12 years ago
  Neither do I.... I'm happy with 40th XD
chris3000 12 years ago
  I hardly ever try to improve on my official score.
CamoDragoon 12 years ago
  Yeh...I just backflip between each works fine for me, on PC and mac. I wonder what the problem is. :/
Ferrari12 12 years ago
  Just to let you know, I have the same problem as birjo :/
CamoDragoon 12 years ago
  That's're not flipping between first and second, right? It should be easy......maybe you're not pressing the arrows fast enough. Just pressing down should suffice.

@Pof......You're right I guess. :)
But knowing what is the most popular way to design does help. :)
Pof 12 years ago
  There's no perfection Camo :)
birjolaxew 12 years ago
  I know I am supposed to jump in mid-air, which I also do. However, with the second or third ( I can't remember right now), I simply can't reach it.
CamoDragoon 12 years ago
  @birjo, for HIghland Gardens:
You're supposed to JUMP in midair to catch each line. You may have to back up slightly from the checkpoint to make it if you mess up the first time.
And it was supposed to be sharp. Although I guess some of your points make sense.

Not trying to freak out or anything, I'm not terribly appalled if someone rates my levels less than 4/5, nobody raised the point so I just felt it needed to be addressed.

@zariars: I know why you rate the way you do, as you usually comment on the levels that you like/dislike, and I have no problem with that. Thanks for responding. :) do make a good point. My problem is that I can either rate strictly or loosely, never in the I've picked loosely so far, and I think a lot of other people have too, but yes you are totally right.

Anyway, what I really need is......what is the "perfect" level to you guys? I can't figure out what is desired. The experienced players want levels like On the Edge, but newcomers (I assume) rate down because of difficulty. If I make a designing-based level, people might not like the designs or rate it down for not enough challenge (gameplay rated down is understandable). A mountains level, should be sharp and blocky, as you said birjo, so I wouldn't particularly like making it all rounded and such, it loses the "natural" feel. What I'm wondering is if there is any concise level that is satisfying to everyone, at least to a degree.

And also, those who don't create levels (maybe those who do, even) should at least sympathize with the level designer in their ratings slightly; a lot of the best levels here take a VERY long time to make, so cut us some slack please.

Thanks for responding guys, is it you guys who rated down or others? If it is you guys, I can understand because I kind of know how you rate......for any others.......posting is the best way to help us improve.
birjolaxew 12 years ago
  I agree completely with Pof. The problem is that whenever a rating is possible on the Internet, people stop rating fairly. If you rate below 3, you are instantly a troll, and you are stupid if you rate below 4, no matter the level.

Highland Gardens: Very good, but not entirely perfect. Very blocky, or sharp, and the cable-car part wasn't perfectly aligned, making it impossible for me to get past it.

3-D Environment: Good, but it seriously missed the all-important feel. Sure, it may be interesting and well-made, but it didn't make me want to play it.

The World of Snakes: Quite simply too hard, making newcomers rate low.
Pof 12 years ago
  @Camo: I understand what you say but I stopped waiting for a fair rating a long time ago. Worst rating ever for a level is 3.013
How can we rate properly if all levels (2878) are only rated between 3 and 5...
PineappleDude 12 years ago
  Its not the game I think is boring. It's because there are only a few active memebers on Jg2!
zariars 12 years ago
  @CamoDragoon: I rate some levels low cause there is something wich i personaly dont think is good even if it's perfect. I follow my own road trying to show what i like.
Those levels are perfect but people got differents things they like. You can even see it in some of the old levels. And i also sometime rate so they get not 5/5 or 4/5. Because no level can be totaly perfect.
SleathPilot 12 years ago
  The new players that think its fun to rate levels low.
CamoDragoon 12 years ago
  @People who say it's boring: meh, it just takes so long to design a great level now, there's not much activity. Plus, I think only 5 or so people here are making levels (myself included). :/

Now would be as good as any to ask, people who rated levels such as Highland Gardens (Jump Gear 2) 4/5, or 3-D Environment (Jump Gear 2) 4/5, The World of Snakes (Jump Gear 2) 4/5, what do you want, honestly? We are taking so much time to create these levels, some of them absolutely amazing, and people rate 4/5. Not good enough. I really don't understand what else it is you want! I really don't get why you people don't rate the great levels 5/5. There should be SEVERAL 5/5 overall rated levels by now, instead there are none, and there probably never will be, for this game. If you could give reasons, that would make more sense, but really, I just don't get it at the moment. If it's different people for different reasons, that's understandable, but if it's the same people/person, give us level creators some feedback! Comments about what you didn't like are just as important as those comments about the good parts in a level. Just please prove that there is a method to your ratings, please.
chris3000 12 years ago
  It's not too boring to me.
Asteria 12 years ago
  This game seems to be getting boring....
PineappleDude 12 years ago
  I play once in a while :) But JG2 has become really inactive the last few months so its a bit boring. :(

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