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Topic, Do we still have use for contests?

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Treazer 10 years ago
  Same here! :D
gundu 10 years ago
  I don't know about the others, but I'm in!
Elizea 10 years ago
  Considering people still seemed to want a contest and the other thread liking the theme Summer a lot, I've started a new contest with the theme Summer.

To make sure people have time for it (vacations and such), the time limit is almost 3 months. I'm gonna be very disappointed if it won't get several entries. Please don't let me down.
gameinsky 10 years ago
  Can you please keep from derailing the thread? There's a topic for contest ideas, but it's not this one.
totallyepicdude321 10 years ago
  supermario, how would a nostalgia contest work?
CubixIII 10 years ago
  I actually am making a labyrinth series for P4M! Putting it in a pack even!
SimonM 10 years ago
  Well, that would be too much, wouldn't it. Not everyone has time to make 10 levels. But don't hesitate to make such series for yourself of course.
CubixIII 10 years ago
  what about a labyrinth contest, make at least 10 levels that connect to each other in some order, and put them in a pack in any game! I would love being in that kind of contest!
SuperMario 10 years ago
  How about another nostalgia contest?
Treazer 10 years ago
  Mmh... I'd also like an originality contest in which you have to make a level with an original concept. :)
Fortunately it would be possible to make a level in any game with this theme (CBCL might be harder than others though).
SimonM 10 years ago
  I think we should leave it to one level. What about a contest with no specific theme, just make a nice good level.
gameinsky 10 years ago
  There was a trilogy contest before tho...
gundu 10 years ago
  A whole year to make 3 levels? That might be a little bit too much in my opinion.

Like I suggested many times before, making a level based on a TV show/Cartoon/Anime would be fun! :3
totallyepicdude321 10 years ago
  i like omr's idea, people would have around 1 year to make 3 levels that are related in some way.....THE TRILOGY CONTEST!
SuperMario 10 years ago
  years 2013 and 2014 weren't for bl. I would say 2012 if that weren't for alanliu's activity.

by the way, yeas i would also make a level. and no, i don't care if i lose. i wouldn't even care for winning.
dingdong 10 years ago
  I would as far as inspiration and time allow me try to make a level to enter with.
Treazer 10 years ago
  I'd definitely make a level and enter a contest, if a new game gets released. This would probably only be Obscurity for a while. (and hopefully the secret project)
SimonM 10 years ago
  I would certainly make a level when there is a contest.
oldmanrob 10 years ago
  To make things clear: YES I would.
gundu 10 years ago
  As far as I remember I never missed a contest, so I'll definitely make a level if there were one
Ferrari12 10 years ago
  If the theme interests me and I have enough time on my hands to make a decent Level, I would certainly do so. However, it is more or less impossible for me know how much spare time I will have in the future. I may have lots of time, or I may become totally inactive. Therefore I can not give you a definite answer, sorry! But at least now you know my thoughts on the subject, and hopefully that counts for something :/
Elizea 10 years ago
  The reason I ended up going with the Collab Contest was because I wanted people to communicate a bit more and was hoping to see people be a bit active again, instead of everyone just silently making a level for the contest alone.

Also please people, asked if people would submit levels for future contests. It is pointless to have a contest even if everyone wants one, if only one or two end up making a level for it. I'm not asking if you guys like Contests, because I expect everyone to like them. I am asking if people still want to make levels for them.
oldmanrob 10 years ago
  I have an idea for a contest. The Series: make at least three levels (of the same or different games) that are somehow related.
totallyepicdude321 10 years ago
  ya! you have a point gamelover
gamelover101 10 years ago
  A better idea I guess would to have contests that allow collabs, but don't require it. That way things won't fall apart as easily.
gundu 10 years ago
  Like some of you already said, collab contests don't really work for some reasons. I would totally have made a level for a solo contest
totallyepicdude321 10 years ago
  ...oh dangit
CubixIII 10 years ago
  But it doesn't work when I tested it... so we didn't finish it...
totallyepicdude321 10 years ago
  OBJECTION! ive recently uploaded a level called Nauto?
made by me and cubix....
oldmanrob 10 years ago
  Well, the colab contest didn't work. This doesn't mean that other contest will not work in the future. I would like to have contest and will submit levels to the judgement of the community. (And after winning one I would like to win a second.) :D

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First post of the topic

Elizea 10 years ago
  As some of you may have seen, the collab contest 2014 was a huge success as an astonishing amount of 0 levels were submitted to the contest, and even after almost 2 months no one has entered a level for it.

Anyway, do people still wish to see contests in the future or should we just accept that bonuslevel isn't as active as it used to be and it would be impractical to host contests anymore because no one is willing to make levels for them?

Please for the sake of discussion say if you would like to see contests AND if you were to actually create levels for them IF we still host them.

There is no point in having contests if there aren't several people who would make levels for them.
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