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Topic, Making a Password

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SuperDog 15 years ago
  If password is password tehen password is not password unless password is password or password isn't password
I changed my password to not an english password
Shiro 15 years ago
  Hahaha, if your password is password you are my hero XD
Treazer 15 years ago
  Make A PW:
-Not A Thing From BL!
-With Numbers!
-Not Like "Password" As Password!
-Choose A Password How "78hds723hjkß0" Or Something!
So Have I Choosed My PW!
Sillius 15 years ago
  I use the password yfc25wuc for a lot of things... I don't think those passwords are too hard to remember it just takes some practice :D
lololol 15 years ago
  i use my nickname.. very secret nickname!
People can also use some personal passwords? something YOU only know!
gameinsky 15 years ago
  i changed my pas: old pass + beginletter of land where i live in and house number (plus capital letter) the one who gues it is really a pro!
monkeyman 15 years ago
  good idea i should hange my...... before i get hacked
Shiro 15 years ago
  I change my PW eery week and it is something like

6Kg3gbjy6iKF8hT5 :P

But I write it down and trow it away after I change it :))
gameinsky 15 years ago
  good topyc and for the last thing: Jp doesn't need your password for that!
[edit]passwords are capitalletter sencibel!!!!!
Elizea 15 years ago
  As many people get hacked here only because their passwords are so easy to guess, ill tell you a few things:

-Dont use same password and username
-Have both numbers and letters in your password
-Make your password strong but still easy to remember, so not like ABC123 (not strong, too easy to guess) or h2pn64ae because you wont remember it next day.
Better would be to make it somehow funny so you can remember it, but so hard to guess that no one could think about it, like Spiderman007 (DO NOT USE THAT AS YOUR PASSWORD)

And worst you can do, tell your password to someone. Dont ever give your password in chat / PM, for example if the other one says that he can play RT levels for you so you could get Master Turtle award etc. Anyone can use any names in chat (for example JP) and say to you that he will make you admin, but he needs your password to do it...

Hope this helps and no one else would be ''hacked''.



First post of the topic

Elizea 15 years ago
  As many people get hacked here only because their passwords are so easy to guess, ill tell you a few things:

-Dont use same password and username
-Have both numbers and letters in your password
-Make your password strong but still easy to remember, so not like ABC123 (not strong, too easy to guess) or h2pn64ae because you wont remember it next day.
Better would be to make it somehow funny so you can remember it, but so hard to guess that no one could think about it, like Spiderman007 (DO NOT USE THAT AS YOUR PASSWORD)

And worst you can do, tell your password to someone. Dont ever give your password in chat / PM, for example if the other one says that he can play RT levels for you so you could get Master Turtle award etc. Anyone can use any names in chat (for example JP) and say to you that he will make you admin, but he needs your password to do it...

Hope this helps and no one else would be ''hacked''.
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