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iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  To the question he asked me earlier about making objects "dissappear":

1) Set the grid size to like.....4
2) Put down a path, and extend it 3 times, meaning 2 are not in the middle of the green path circle.
3) Set the second node to 100 speed, as well as the first, but the last, set it to 0
4) Move the 2nd node 2 grid spaces (or 1, try 2 first) away from the node, either horizontally or vertically.
5)Then, take the 3rd node w/0 node speed, and move it to the same axis as the 2nd node, and place it only 1 grid space away from the 2nd node.
6) Set the global speed to 100
7) Watch the green path extend in the editor. See how it goes so fast, but then stops in the middle of the 2nd and 3rd node? Thats good.
8)Now, set that path's start selection to whatever you want(i.e. switch, inbound, auto) because later you'll have to copy/paste the path a couple of times.
9) Now, put down a line, and attach its parameters to the path
10) After everythings set up, select the "move" tool, and press/hold on the path. Make sure that the CTRL key (or if using a mac, the apple button) and click a couple times. I'd say, click 5-10 times, depending on if you want the line to go somewhere specific, or you just don't care.
11) When you copy/paste, the node should get darker, and darker. This is because there are nodes being placed above that position.
12) Put down a line so there is a platform for the car to stand on to watch the line selected move.
13) Test the track. The line should go from one place to another, or if there are enough copied paths, should dissappear of the screen entirely. Mess around with this idea, add more paths, blah blah blah and it should dissappear right before your eyes!

Hope this helps!
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  He can figure that out. :) I did that on my own too. As long as he gets the gist. If he wanted to know, he probably would have asked (not to offend either of you.)
gameinsky 15 years ago
  good iamstormstrooper but it's better to place 2 nodes at the end of the pat so it stops immediately.
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  You set the last node path to zero. Heres how:

1) Take a node
2) Bring out 2 nodes (one on the path, which you can't move, second outside the path, you can move)
3) With the wrench and the path selected, click on the 2nd node (the one you can move w/ wrench drag)
4) go into the window at the bottom, and in the top right corner, set "Node Speed" to zero
5) Attach a line to the path, and watch it go then slow down, then stop in "test" mode!

Thats it! Try it out step-by-step!
thundersm14 15 years ago
  how do i make things stop when ever i want it to other then walking the jump gear into a switch plzz help



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thundersm14 15 years ago
  how do i make things stop when ever i want it to other then walking the jump gear into a switch plzz help
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