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Topic, I search for a Scripter

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Hexicube 13 years ago
  Brolling I can continue working on BLaster Towers when I want to continue working on BLaster Towers, right now I have other, more important things than scripting games ok?
Treazer 13 years ago
  Quoting Hexicube from I search for a Scripter
um I have checklist:
1. Life
2. BLaster Towers
3. Gundu
4. Brick Mania
5. Info Lines Toy
yeah...working on 1 atm...

Does your life anytime end? It seems not. -_-
Hexicube 14 years ago
  meh don't celebrate yet...
gundu 14 years ago
  Buh... Huge fail...?

Anyway Welcome Back :)
Hexicube 14 years ago
  DY by that logic i've done 2 for this month :P
gundu idk, BL failed to tell me I had lots of PMs until recently...
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  what if you could do 2 things at once, like 1 and 2? You work 1 minute on 2, then go back to 1 for the rest of the day.
So now that you thought about this for one minute your done with 2 for today, so you can get back to 1.
gundu 14 years ago
  Well, not now, But each time I was looking at your profile to see if you have seen my pm it was saying that you was there, But no response

[edit] Sillius got a point there xD
Sillius 14 years ago
  1. Life
2. BLaster Towers
3. Gundu
4. Brick Mania
5. Info Lines Toy

Since you call it a checklist wouldn't that mean you have to die before working on BLaster Towers? :D
Hexicube 14 years ago
  my PC wasn't on 2 hours ago...I was at park o.O
gundu 14 years ago

Hexicube 14 years ago
  um I have checklist:
1. Life
2. BLaster Towers
3. Gundu
4. Brick Mania
5. Info Lines Toy
yeah...working on 1 atm...
gundu 14 years ago
  But I sent you a bunch of Pm :O

And it said your last visit was like 2 hours ago
Shiro 14 years ago
  Now Marc, help Gundu :D!
Hexicube 14 years ago
  I was inactive for a while, so wasn't exactly replying to anything ^^
Treazer 14 years ago
gundu 14 years ago
  Another bump...
Treazer 14 years ago
  The i dont know too. SOrry for you. And bye i go sleeping.
gundu 14 years ago
  I pm'ed him 3 times, Last time was yesterday I think
Treazer 14 years ago
  Hmmm.... Maybe he forgot it, why dont you PM him again?
gundu 14 years ago
  I sent pm to him but He never respond, So I don't know what happend
Treazer 14 years ago
  gundu, i thought you have MARC2008?
gundu 14 years ago
  I guess AS2 will do the job, If it's what BL need
Im 14 years ago
  Is it AS2 or 3? o.o
gundu 14 years ago

I still search one
Zodiac 14 years ago
  Okay, it is okay :)
THeNiNJa 14 years ago
  It's a lot of work, I'll have to finish my own game first. ;)
Zodiac 14 years ago
  Is this okay Theninja???
Zodiac 14 years ago
  Short Description:


Play Tab:


Edit Tab:

THeNiNJa 14 years ago
  Tell me more about it, Zodiac.
Zodiac 14 years ago
  So can anyone help me?

[<<] [1] [2]


First post of the topic

gundu 14 years ago
  Like said in the title, I search someone who could make the script for my game (I think it won't be hard because this is a classic game, easy to script)

I just search for a partener, I will give him credits for his job

I wait for you answer

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