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Topic, Goodbye for now......

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Ahroo 14 years ago

There was actually a Greek myth where the Earth's husband has his pingas chopped off. xD
AK 14 years ago
  Here's what'll happen until summer:

I'll only be on Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00-5:00 US Central time. Yeah, it sucks, but it's the only time my dad's not home.
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Bye AK, I'll miss you! :(

Schools starting 4 me too, but luckily I have computer access!

C U soon!
chris3000 14 years ago
  i guess i'll cya, bye
AK 14 years ago
  8 hours left on BL...... ;(
SimonM 14 years ago
  AK I saw you when you came on BL, and I saw when you leave (temporaly)! You are a good BL member!! I hope you'll come back.
SuperDog 14 years ago
  I don't have a friend code..... I don't have a wi-fi connection. Well, I do, but I can't access it via DS.
AK 14 years ago
  Thank you Daft_Punk! I'm glad I became a BL member!

But there still is a small chance that some of you will see me through Wi-Fi on Mario Kart DS. I have friend codes for Im, Marc2008, and Shiro. If you have the game, get my friend code and lock it, there is a good chance that we may race each other. If you go to Friends on the Wi-fi Connection Screen

I suppose this isn't the right topic for that.... LOL sorry.
Daft_Punk 14 years ago
  AK, you will be missed. I will make you a tribute! :)
AK 14 years ago
  Thanks! I wish I would be able to see it......
rocky 14 years ago
  AK, I will make a push level in honor of you, like a good-bye present.

BTW, your dad is really mean! You're welcome for pointing out the obvious.
AK 14 years ago
  My dad quit his awesome job of being a Home Entertainment System designer and now works for an elevator company.......

I don't even know what he does. -_-
manufan 14 years ago
  Yep all new today
SuperDog 14 years ago
  "I'm glad I do......."


"Nothing. Talking to myself."

chris3000 14 years ago
  I don't have a dad, but my mom and grandparents drive me crazy. I'm glad i don't have a father.
SuperDog 14 years ago
  What? I do 20% of the work, 60% of playing, 15% being bored and the final 5% watching Wipeout and Total Wipeout...
Ahroo 14 years ago
  What job does he have? My dad just retired from the Military...
MarioIsFireball10 14 years ago
  Your dad really sux.
AK 14 years ago
  Manufan1? Are you new? I haven't seen you on BL....

BTW, I'm 14. I turn 15 soon. My birthday is .... oops, I can't tell you. Internet privacy, etc... Sorry.
Ahroo 14 years ago
  Meh, I've got only one parent left in my house, so I do roughly 60% of the work... :/
manufan 14 years ago
  Aww.. I'll make a leavers level too. My mum says she will make me banned on a hwk night. Mon-Fri. But in Mornigs and Sat-Sun I can play what I want.

Miss you,

Hexicube 14 years ago
  AK being 15 sucks doesn't it? :_
gamelover101 14 years ago
  [sarcasm]Typical parents...[/sarcasm]
AK 14 years ago
  The kind of dad that makes his kids do 90% of the work in the house and his wife 9.9%. He also hates computer sites that are fun. That's why I never told him about BL.

Lunch time....
Ahroo 14 years ago
  WTF kinda dad is that?! >:C
gamelover101 14 years ago
We'll miss you :'(
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  I'd sertanly like to contribute if it will be.
petermunks 14 years ago
  Well, I think that anyone who wants shall make a goodbye level for AK, I will
AK 14 years ago
  Well, I still have my DSi until Tuesday, when my dad will take it away and lock it in the closet...
>:( He's so mean...
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  Nooooooooo, don't leave us AK T.T Hope you'll be back soon.

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First post of the topic

AK 14 years ago
  Last night my dad said that since school is starting, he thought that we should be banned from video games and TV and the computer. So starting Tuesday, i'll never be on BL again until he decides to let us do them or until I refuse to do my homework. So I guess this is good-bye for now....
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