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Mmmmmm 3 years ago
  Message removed...
chris3000 4 years ago
  I never play this now and wb paralit!
gameinsky 6 years ago
  Oh, hello paralit! I somehow remember you, lol
Treazer 6 years ago
  Nice to see you back, paralit! :)
paralit 6 years ago
  Back for a visit. Really glad that it's still going strong! :D
gameinsky 6 years ago
  That's nice to hear!
Zeasire 6 years ago
  I've revisited this game. I'm getting WAY better at this than before.
chris3000 7 years ago
  I don't like this game, it's too difficult for me so I won't be coming here anymore. I'm just being honest, I'm only sticking with games that I'm good at.
Treazer 7 years ago
  As you just copied Nekomancer's message from 5 months ago, I advise you to read the answer I gave him below.
DeathGod 7 years ago
  I'm new to Bonuslevel, what do I need to know to be a good player?
gameinsky 7 years ago
  This chat is also a helpful place to get to know more about the community!
Treazer 7 years ago
  Hello and welcome to Bonuslevel, Nekomancer!

For level creation tips, feel free to read this guide for the several games on the site.
Don't worry about getting your levels rejected, everybody started like that.

If you rather play the games and levels, there's not much to tell you actually. Play the games you like most, maybe all, and play the official levels first. They are a great introduction and get progressively harder.

Practice makes perfect, so you might need to play the games a bit more to become good at them. This also goes for creating levels.

It would be nice if you would rate levels, as this is an easy feedback for the creator. It also rewards you with a small amount of experience points.

Have fun! :)
Nekomancer 7 years ago
  I'm new to Bonuslevel, what do I need to know to be a good player?
gameinsky 7 years ago
  That's something for new people.
When you are new at making levels your first few levels are not that good so JP imposed a limit in the first month so hopefully you spend more time improving your levels that way.
VinylPro 7 years ago
  Why i need to wait few days/weeks when my game is on public, when i "Upload" it?
gameinsky 8 years ago
  That's probably one of your paths breaking the level, delete a few paths until it works again.
  I need help again, my level editor is fine, but when I test my level, It's just nothing.
gameinsky 8 years ago
  Hi, you should read trhis indepth guide I compiled 4 years ago:
Click here

As for your level in specific, avoid putting the starting shape of screen.
  What measures can I take to improve my level?
funguy161 8 years ago
  This Is Easier On Mobile.
chris3000 8 years ago
  140 levels completed

Phew this game is frustrating sometimes, you have to be good at this in order to beat most of the levels. I really need help.
chris3000 8 years ago
  You know if I could complete 1000 levels here it would be great, then I would be close to beating gundu. I'm just not good at this game.
stanleyang 9 years ago
  My new level: The Cemetary
gamelover101 9 years ago
  I'm not an admin...
chrishappy 9 years ago
  oh, I've called you here to notice this problem as I just said.
gamelover101 9 years ago
  @ chrishappy You should message the admins the list of levels to evaluate; you can find a list of them here
chrishappy 9 years ago
  I wish the admin would check on the custom levels more often...
SMBZ453 10 years ago
  Loving The Start Screen
CubixIII 10 years ago
  About time there was more Moonlights levels! :D
kalina200 10 years ago
  please evaluate 2 big, 1 small , 9 suns , 6 suns , 5 suns , Accuracy its been 9 days

Moonlights developed by jp

Build a structure and reach the light(s).
Try also Moonlights for iPhone.

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