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psychomaster 11 years ago
  Did all 4 levels. :D
totallyepicdude321 11 years ago
  how do you beat fall?
psychomaster 11 years ago
  XD Simon has the best score ever. THE POWER OF FAIL
SuperMario 11 years ago
  Someone could call for an admin!

After 2 years and SimonM still have this score }:3
Im 14 years ago
  Woot, 1st.
Someone delete SimonM's score...
SimonM 14 years ago
  ya, how does it come that I have so much points?
SuperMario 14 years ago
  Someone please delete the SimonM!
SuperMario 14 years ago
  I like summer time!
gundu 14 years ago
  Here's a new pack!


Push developed by Captain_404

The classic sidescroller concept with a major twist!

Pack Season created by gundu

Four seasons, Four levels

Play this pack to visit all the 4 seasons

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