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chris3000 18 days ago
  I miss making and creating levels here, I love all the power-ups and the types of lines and all the path features, some are still tricky for me to learn, especially trying to make a snake or making lines invisible.
Dynamo 29 days ago
  Message removed...
gameinsky 1 month ago
  I don't think local saves have really changed since they're on your PC. Something must have happened during the saving or loading process.
chris3000 1 month ago
  I don't bother making levels here anymore unless I'm bored and want to do something creative.
Coolguy52 1 month ago
  I don’t know much about local saves in the post flash death era, I am sorry to hear that, it’s really damn annoying m when some or all of your progress gets reset. I wish you luck in recreating the level!
Dynamo 1 month ago
  I can't believe it, I've spent over a week working on a really detailed level and the save file has crashed, I can no longer edit it or access it. The error message is 'Problem, failed to retrieve the local level data. Level data is null!' Anyone know of any possible way I could retrieve this data as it's still locally saved, or am I just completely f*ked?

I'm genuinely upset, I put so much time and effort into it and I was really proud of what I had made so far and I know only like 2 people would've played it but that's not the point, it's all gone to waste if I've lost it forever. :(

Edit: Screw it, I think it's lost forever. Just gonna start from scratch and remake it the best I can from memory...
john96 1 month ago
  Welcome back to this game and BL Creedsantomy. I don't think we've met before. I'm John and I live in Iceland.
Coolguy52 1 month ago
  Welcome back! It is always nice to see older members popping by for nostalgia!
Creedsanatomy 1 month ago
  Hey guys! I love popping on here every now and then for the nostalgia. I hope you’re all doing well! Love to see the domains still active and levels are being made. Have fun everybody :)
Coolguy52 1 month ago
  Gloomy Forest is now fully playable. 87 is my first proper run, very annoying level and didn't really get much out of the bonus sections. I'll probably add more design and quality of life improvements but should be able to set scores! It should be a lot harder than my other level to beat, but I hope you enjoy it in any case. Feedback and criticism are of course also welcome :)

EDIT: 87->109, pretty solid run. I think 120 wouldn't be too insane, but maybe 200+ is possible :D

EDIT 2: Well that was quite nice, there seems to be exactly 150 stars which was not at all what I intended! The exact score for perfection I cannot work out but at least 200 points should be possible! Getting every star without death may be super hard, or entirely impossible - we shall see! My run ended with -67 so I had to jump a lot with a ton of deaths to get them all!
Coolguy52 1 month ago
  Good luck with perfecting it! I may try to improve but perfection just seems so crazy. The first two areas are already quite awkward to perfect but not nearly as hard as the 3rd or 4th rooms. The 5th room seems quite easy to perfect, but the ‘final’ gap just also seems incredibly annoying. After all of that, the great challenge is there to end your run!

EDIT: 208->224. I haven't actually worked out what perfect is, but my guess would be in the 260s or 270s, so pretty good run overall. I even missed one of the crucial jumps in room 3 which cost almost 10 points, and a few deaths on top probably added about 20 points more onto it...

EDIT 2: My new preview Gloomy Forest. This should be a fair bit harder to play, but I may dial back the difficulty, particularly on that first jump... Let me know what you guys think of the design!

EDIT 3: Made the first two sections and a bonus area at the top. The bonus area does not need to be completed, but it provides an extra challenge for 18 stars. Is this enough incentive? Also I very rarely get the first jump after the first checkpoint, is it too hard?

EDIT 4: Completed everything I have made so far with -18 points. Very unoptimised run.

EDIT 5: Made the full top of the level, bottom should be only one jump if you want to beat it, but there will be a lot of bonus stars improve score, so I'll make those sections and then allow the level to be finished!
Dynamo 1 month ago
  Finally beat your level with a competitive score CG! Only 3 points behind you as well. That hedgehog wave at the end of the great challenge is a total nightmare, your timing has to be bang on perfect! I can see that being a run killer, but I'm gonna try and perfect the whole thing and probably go insane in the process! xD
Coolguy52 1 month ago
  He came back a few years ago, but since then idk. I love his levels, they’re usually pretty well constructed and pretty difficult!

You should take a break from BL if you no longer enjoy playing the games or it is impacting your life. BL for me is a fun nostalgic hobby, and nothing more than that. Being the top member is genuinely a ridiculous achievement, and I’m not saying you’re playing too much at all, but if you think you should stop playing - then you probably should. You should be able to take pride in all of your achievements here, because they are symbols of your dedication to the website. I don’t designate a ‘break’ that I take from BL, it just naturally happens as I become more busy or play other games. I’m still always happy to return to playing on this website though!
chris3000 1 month ago
  Wow, huge step achieved guys. However maybe I should take a break for a while with BL, after all being the top member is good enough for me as it is. I hope you guys enjoy this achievement as we're all proud for something. We all had to earn it though. I miss some of the old designers here.

Wonder what happened to 1jase?
Coolguy52 1 month ago
  Thanks! I don't know if I should play the last 3 yet. Stars in the Forest seems to be fairly easy so far, just quite time consuming. Roundabout seems like I'll definitely struggle to even score positively, and Balancing act feels like a relatively decent score in the 80s or 90s shouldn't be too unthinkable if I can actually beat the level. Top 3 should be fairly easy like you say with those scores and a couple other improvements! It is only 26,539 to Gary...

Congratulations on 27,500! That is a totally mind-boggling score for me! I relate to your struggles on some of those Asforien levels, I do like the idea that a maximum, whilst theoretically possible, is very hard to attain! I'm pretty proud of my 3-D Ribbons 159, even though it's missing a lot of points, I appreciate they are very annoying points to even get close to the 159 so I'll take it!

In any case, I will focus on completing accepted levels for a little bit, I think I want to try to make another level after I enjoyed creating Colourful Chaos - so I'll see if I can find some inspiration from playing levels. Don't worry, no jumping on snakes like Obstaclecoaster :)
Dynamo 1 month ago
  Ayyy nice one CG, you can definitely get top 3 with those last 3 levels and a few improvements here and there. Keep at it, I believe in you! :P

I finally hit my first major goal of 27.5k too! I'm really not sure how much further I can push my score though - especially on levels with big improvement potential such as: Mad Shapes, Sky Speed Spheres, Move it, Watch Out!, Impossible Crypt and Color Wheels. I had a go at all of these recently but I can't seem to get close to any of my personal bests...

And then don't even get me started on the straight up migraine inducing levels like: 3-D Ribbons, Piping turtle, Underneath, Rotation and Flowers of Annoy. Those are the levels that give me the most frustration. They're either just simply bad levels; have a lot of jank; repeated precision jumps; or have level design that I'm not so good at navigating. Throw in Move it, Watch Out! as well, the switches in that one seem to break all the time for me... I think I'm just gonna stick to the smaller improvements on other levels for now, and I'd quite like to get a perfect run on Balancing Act too.
Coolguy52 1 month ago
  26k finally! Only a few points for top 5 too!

EDIT: And Top 5 acquired! I'm not sure how much further I can push this game but I will try my best to get close to 27k, I do not think I can match Dynamo at all, but maybe I can beat jondeelee, Gary and goldie with the benefit of officials they haven't played.
chris3000 1 month ago
  Well, this should be a fun epic battle of the turtle's, xD. In 2010, this was originally my favorite game until I started the puzzle games.
Coolguy52 1 month ago
  Current maximum is around 27,706 so I think 28,000 is not possible.
chris3000 1 month ago
  Hey Dynamo, I know it might be possible, but do you think you can get close to 28,000 points? I wonder what happened to goldie and jondeelee? I guess they have moved on away from BL with their daily lives.
Coolguy52 1 month ago
  I have finally made all the areas in my new level: Colourful Chaos! Let me know what you think about the rest of the areas, or the name. I'll take on board any criticism and then 'finalise' it in a few days. I don't think I'll change any of the gameplay to alter any scores unless it's level breaking so feel free to try and score on it!

EDIT: Got 169, not a very good score to be honest.

EDIT2: 169->179. Checkpoint bonus!

EDIT3: 179->208, still nowhere close to perfect.
PuzzleFan 2 months ago
  This game sure is fun, I tried out a couple accepted levels the other day. I'm gonna start the officials sometime next week. That turtle is real small until it touches those green power-ups, then it turns big in size.
Coolguy52 2 months ago
  Message removed...
Coolguy52 2 months ago
  Exacted 25,000! Still with 5 levels to beat too!

EDIT: Looked through all 223 levels, Underground is my biggest missed opportunity, with 208 to gain from a 60, closely followed by Stars In The Forest where I haven't played for a potential gain of 199. Interestingly I had a lot more records than I thought, but I haven't calculated how many. Hopefully 26k soon :D
chris3000 2 months ago
  Shapeshifting was another crazy level that I did not get a great score on, the last part before the flag killed a lot of my points/stars.
Coolguy52 2 months ago
  Impossible ? has been the most annoying so far. I do pretty well for my skills at this game, which in spite of some good scores still aren't nearly that up to scratch, until I reach the climbing bubble bit and I cannot beat that without losing 200+ points for some strange reason.

EDIT: You might gather I didn't like playing Shapeshifting
chris3000 2 months ago
  Balancing Act was a challenge for me, so bad I didn't even bother trying to improve my score. I only completed it twice. People need to practice all previous levels before attempting that heartbreaking level.
Coolguy52 2 months ago
  I mean JG2 and RT are very different. Leaving even 1 point on the table here isn't amazing when perfection is definitely viable. I reckon the majority of the levels can be improved, and I would guess that there's a substantial amount that can be improved by over 1000 points still.

9.26-9.27M should be possible with what the community currently has. 9.2 was my 'final' goal in a way but I would like to get to at least 9.25, and I think 9.3 might be just a bit far fetched. I have other things I wanna achieve in that game too so it's been on the backburner for a long time (which is why my score flatlined).

As for the RT levels I have yet to complete, I think a lot of them I just haven't played enough, but in any case I would appreciate some tips. I'll list them here and maybe delete when I'm done:

All done!
Dynamo 2 months ago
  I haven’t checked the JG2 score count in a long time tbh so I just assumed you had like 95% of the high scores now considering you took the total to over 9.2 million! There can’t be that many more improvements to be made now surely? xD I guess I meant ‘maxed out’ very loosely since timed games/levels are so rarely maxed to the fullest extent. So what do you think you could eventually get the total score to someday? :P

If you let me know what levels you have left I’d be more than happy to give you some tips, unless you’re on a mission to beat them all yourself of course. :)
Coolguy52 2 months ago
  That is some impressive domination. You say I've 'essentially maxed out' JG2 but honestly I'm not actually super close to that. I think I might have a slightly larger share of highscores (about 80% last I checked), but that will likely change over the coming days anyway :)

I personally want to improve a lot of my scores here myself, I would start with the last 12 officials to beat but I'm not very motivated to beat them with the amount of points I have left to improve. 25k and even potentially 26k are on the table for me even with only 211/223 levels :P

Rolling Turtle developed by jp

Your objective is to reach the final flag. Controls : Space bar to jump. Left & right arrows to adjust speed. Up & down arrows to zoom in/out.

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