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chris3000 1 month ago
  Ok, I will PM you in a few days. Thanks!
Coolguy52 1 month ago
  I probably ought to do this myself. Which officials do you have left? I’ll see if I can offer any tips on these levels.
chris3000 1 month ago
  I would really like to beat those last pesky officials that I have remaining sometime before 2024 ends, I wonder who could help me with it?
chris3000 3 months ago
  Pig posted, but his message got deleted. Was he offtopic here?
pig 3 months ago
  Message removed...
chris3000 11 months ago
  It seems like the past year or two, very old members have been returning to BL. So glad about it, the site is gaining some of it's old community members from 10+ years ago.
gameinsky 1 year ago
  Hey! Nice of you to hop by again!
The site still runs, though with very little activity. We still like to keep in touch.
Creedsanatomy 1 year ago
  Yeah bro! I remember you, GameInSky, and I wanna say Aleria, the most. There’s a couple others I’d recognize if I saw their names but you guys are legends. I believe I found this game in my English class. But I played it the most when I was home on my families PC. My how times have changed.
chris3000 1 year ago
  Hi man, do you remember me? I think we met in 2009-2010. So I'm just curious, how did you find out about BL? Did you just do a random search?
Creedsanatomy 1 year ago
  Whats up guys! I think about this game every now and then and hop back on for a nostalgia boost. I was 13 when I first played this game in my English class. Became addicted and tried my hand at making some levels. I hope everyone is as good as ever, hard to believe how long this platform has been up and running. Cheers everyone
chris3000 1 year ago
  Wow, long time no see afunnyacorn. So what have you been up to lately this past decade? It's great to see some old members popping back by here, :)
gameinsky 1 year ago
  That's always cool to hear! Are you enjoying your time as a game dev?
afunnyacorn 1 year ago
  I know it's been such an incredibly long time. But scrolling back through posts I made 13 years ago is impressive. This website and RT was the start for a 6th grade me in game/level design and game dev, something I now do for a living.

Hope you're all well.
chris3000 1 year ago
  Hey, welcome back lololol! It's been a long time since I've seen a post from you. How have you been doing the past few years?
gameinsky 1 year ago
  Oh, hello! Is there an impromptu BL reunion week?
lololol 1 year ago
  This game is still dope as hell
suhangha-2 1 year ago
  Oh, sh@@
chris3000 1 year ago
  Oh, well I just use Pale Moon, I'm able to play Rolling Turtle through there.
gameinsky 2 years ago
  I don't have a webbrowser that can currently support flash and I don't have any big incentives to get one.
chris3000 2 years ago
  Did you notify GIS to look at them and accept them? He's in the Discord chat most of the time or you can message him.
kiethy342 2 years ago
  Holding Strong
Hog Run
Purple Chaos
Prepare To Mash

hey so, turns out I finished making a bunch of levels a couple years ago! Thought I'd throw them out here if anyone's still around
chris3000 3 years ago
  Welcome back Funguy, I've been so busy and on a strict medicine schedule that I missed your post.
funguy162 3 years ago
chris3000 3 years ago
  It is good that people are coming back to play and have fun, sad that flash died 5 months ago.
SUPER-LEVLER 3 years ago
  If you use some easy tricks, you can still play bonuslevel games like me. :)
Mmmmmm 3 years ago
  Message removed...
chris3000 3 years ago
  Wb, remember me, did you know that flash is going to die soon?
drgonzo1987 3 years ago
  Hey all, man been a long time since I've logged in! Good to see plenty of the old guard still active
chris3000 3 years ago
  Nice CG, by the time you complete all the officials, you might be in the top 5. You just have to have faith and be strong/positive and not give up. That's what I had to do.
Dynamo 3 years ago
  Congrats on making top 40 CG I always knew you had it in you! You've absolutely stormed the rankings recently and you've still got just under 50 to go! Best of luck with your optimisations and the last bunch; optimisations really helped me refine my tricks tbh, seems to be working for you too. ;)

Rolling Turtle developed by jp

Your objective is to reach the final flag. Controls : Space bar to jump. Left & right arrows to adjust speed. Up & down arrows to zoom in/out.

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