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Topic, Game "Jump Gear 2"

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Coolguy52 2 years ago
  I have no idea who they are. They seem to have stopped though. I managed to remove everything from the games that I could (Jump Gear 2 and Astrobreaker), but they seem to have posted a ridiculous amount of messages elsewhere so it isn't too unlikely that there are hundreds left.

Anyway, welcome back hopefully! Things have been going pretty well, steadily creating more levels. Hopefully at some point I'll release another one here but I will warn you that it is likely going to be quite hard!
LadersHD 2 years ago
  hello everyone! i might be back on this site soon if i actually take time to set up flash on my pc. happy new year! how have you been recently?

also does anyone know who 'mmmmmm' is? i looked for options to remove my jellify copies and i found that this person posted inappropriate pictures in the comments ;-;
chris3000 2 years ago
  Thanks for the update Dynamo. Yeah, it's been hectic for us the past 6 months. I went to the hospital in May and stayed a week. They had to give me six units of blood to get my lab values back to normal, I was real sick. Recently, my grandpa had a nervous breakdown when he went to go make a deposit for us, so he may have to live with us so i've been worried about that. Keep you all updated soon!
Coolguy52 2 years ago
  Hi Dynamo, good to see that you are doing well and congratulations on the promotion! I have definitely become busier over the years, and I will often only play for at most 30 mins on days that I play. I remember 2-3 years ago that we would be able to pump hours into the game, but times change. I am glad that you are making the steps towards knowing where you want to go in life, I certainly have no clue what I'll be doing even 5 years in the future. It would be awesome to see you able to return to playing BL if you ever manage to get flash set up!
Dynamo 2 years ago
  Hi Chris, I actually dropped out of university a while ago now to reevaluate my life. I was embarrassed at the time, but now I realise that I might have rushed into things, partly because I grew up with parents who practically insisted that I go, and partly because it was what my friends were doing. I never took the chance to reflect on what I wanted. I still don’t know what I want to do with my life, but that’s okay. I’ve recently been promoted to management at my job and that pretty much takes up most of my time now. I’m glad you had a fantastic birthday Chris and I hope you’re keeping well, that goes for everyone else too! I hope I can get flash setup again one day soon. BL was always a safe place to help me think, and always will be.
chris3000 2 years ago
  I guess Dynamo is busy with university and plain life/responsibilities, so how are you guys doing? Still trying to find a way to get flash so I can play again. I turned 30 a month ago, had a terrific birthday party. Played video games and ate snacks/cake. So good!
chris3000 3 years ago
  Hey supergeek. Long time, no see. How have things been going for you? Things have drastically changed for BL the past 7 years but thankfully we are still a strong community. Are you enjoying 2021 so far?
Coolguy52 3 years ago
  Hey, welcome back! I believe you still have 1 highscore on this game. it's always good to see people return after a while away, just slightly unfortunate considering what has recently happened with Flash.
supergeek 3 years ago
  Wow... I didn't realize this was a flash game, I know that seems dumb but I found this game as a kid and just thought of it as permanent. I'll definitely have to look into some work arounds and make sure I still have a highscore or two on some of the levels. assuming that coolguy52 didnt take them all on his way to jumpgear domination lol. lots of great memories on heree.I wish everyone the best and I'm glad to be a part of this community.
chris3000 3 years ago
  Well we'll always post in the forums and talk, stay in touch in the chatroom but what to do about all our levels and scores is a mystery to me.
Dynamo 3 years ago
  What in the name of sweet fuckery has just happened? No words for this accomplishment, just feel like a proud dad watching his son ride a bike for the first time, may even shed a lil tear later! A score once thought to be a mere theory in the wind, brought to reality by none other than the God himself. Insane stuff. :’D

At least I still managed to retain a few of my highscores lol, honestly thought you would end up steamrolling through all my best ones but my *almost perfect* runs held strong! xD

EDIT: None of these workarounds for flash are working for me, and I don’t want to abandon BL completely, idk what to do :(
Coolguy52 3 years ago
  Well here we are. 9.1M. The final ever milestone (most likely). I am completely sure that no new officials will ever be added to this game, and I doubt that 9.2M is quite there yet (defo not for me). This marks the end of my 3 year long journey on the global leaderboards on this game. Having achieved 9.1M now I suppose I could play different packs or other games, but the main thing I want to do is one final highscore count to see where the total score is at. I am really curious to see where we have got to as a community. I will post the results of the count in an edit to this comment.

I said most of what I'd say now in my 9M message, but this is honestly crazy. It may seem insignificant, but I have been going for this score ever since I got 9.05M a few months ago. Feels completely surreal to finally have it. Thank you all for harbouring such a community and now though it is essentially dead, I'm glad I can complete my journey with the last milestone.

EDIT: Calculated after a few recent highscores on the 18/05/21 - ~3pm BST (Most recent highscore was 46623 on Mini-ramps (Jump Gear 2)

Global Highscore: 9190799 (there may be some errors in this calculation as I did it manually using a calculator, not automatically with a spreadsheet etc.)
Mmmmmm 3 years ago
  Message removed...
suhangha-2 3 years ago
  [@Ferrari12]: is your great comeback! hi :)
chris3000 3 years ago
  Good so we have until next Tuesday, now does that mean it will officially end at midnight Wednesday? And happy 2021 everyone.
Coolguy52 3 years ago
  Happy new year to you and all! It's good to see inactive members still caring about the future of this website! Until January 12th, we can still play the games on recent versions of Adobe Flash player, though this goes against their guidelines and they have officially stopped supporting Flash Player. After that however, Adobe Flash player will not let you run the games any more.

I know that workarounds exist, such as older versions of flash player, and some browsers supporting flash. I think that, with a little bit of effort, anyone who wants to play the games again can do so, but I can see that for players who don't visit very often this may become annoying.
Ferrari12 3 years ago
  Happy new year! I just saw the news that Flash has been discontinued, and wondered how things are going here. Appranently, some of you are still playing the game. What kind of browser or other software are you using for that?

I have no plans becoming an active member again, but I like to pop by once every other year to play through some levels. We've done some nice design work over the years, and I hope it will not be lost.
Coolguy52 3 years ago
  9.05M :O. Given the current situation with flash this may be last milestone I reach. I doubt it, but my ultimate goal for this game would be 9.1M. If I reached that, I'd be happy with my score forever, however I feel that it is too insane...
chris3000 3 years ago
  Nice and amazing on the 2 million plays, JP has done a spectacular job in providing us with over 10 years of fun and gaming entertainment, and i'm back somewhat!
Coolguy52 3 years ago
  We did it! 2 million plays on Jump Gear 2! I'm so glad that we hit this milestone, it's one which we as a community have been incredibly close to over the past decade, and one which I honestly thought there was a chance that we'd never hit it! I will try to make a level in celebration - just like kalina and Simon did for BLockoban's 1 million milestone.
chris3000 3 years ago
  Hey welcome back Shiro, how are you doing cause you told us you were moving 4 years ago. I hope you and your family and friends are safe. Are you planning on staying at BL?
Coolguy52 3 years ago
  Thank you Shiro!
Shiro 3 years ago
  Belated congratulations on becoming an admin @Coolguy52 ;)!
chris3000 4 years ago
  Oh so August 2020 will be your two year anniversary. Nice, i'm lucky i have an admin role now.
Coolguy52 4 years ago
  I became admin in August 2018 - it’s crazy to think that it’s been over a year now since I was given admin...
chris3000 4 years ago
  So CG, when did you become admin? I just noticed the orange G next to your username.
chris3000 4 years ago
  There's been some serious competition going on here. Hopefully when I get my computer I can join the fun. Hope you all are staying safe.
Coolguy52 4 years ago
  Popo is certainly one of the best players to have ever played the game, he was absolutely fearless and would attempt any trick in order to get that edge over everyone. The vast majority of popo’s highscores stand strong - I don’t think there’s a single other player who can really say this, as it’s often him stealing our highscores. One of the best memories was popo’s highscore in Portal (one of the very few which has been beaten) - and him utterly shutting down my best highscore to that point! I feel bad that I didn’t mention him, he is definitely an insane player who gave us all a run for our money.

Thinking back all those years is insane. I was the lowest player to have completed all the officials at one point. I’m not sure where I got the inspiration to start the journey - but I know I would’ve given it up if it wasn’t for popo chasing me up to 7M - and me chasing you when I got there. A great moment from that era was when I was closing in on you for the first time around 8.04M - and you managed to improve 98k on one level - which shocked and scared me when I saw it! There have been many other great mini-rivalries over various levels and things - I think it was inevitable when I began to close in on you, due to our history with the Mini Games!

As for RT - I think that I will come back to keep things fresh. I hope that I can beat more of the officials, in order to get maybe top 20 or top 10. I don’t think I’ll ever make 27k, you have some scores which are completely unmatchable xD
Dynamo 4 years ago
  Can everyone look around for my jaw please? I think I dropped it... Congratulations CG this is an incredible achievement, I'm completely over the moon for you! From what started as a friendly battle to get into the top 10 all those years ago, here we are now - top 3, I'm so glad I could be a part of this! Never thought I'd see the day tbh.. well not until recent times anyway! I think a shoutout needs to go to popo too, despite his absence, for all the great competition he gave us and to reach top 5, I believe he still holds a few highscores too :P

Maybe you could return to RT again? I think I'm a competition addict, and you've already proved you've got the skill! :P
kalina200 4 years ago
  Great Job, Coolguy! This is a giant milestone and an amazing achievement!

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