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Topic, Level "Lair of the Hedgehog", game "Rolling Turtle"

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minmay 15 years ago
  Oops, Silius is right. I've set the level to be edited as it's very confusing to have two levels with the same title.
joe45, please find a different title, and just wording it differently (e.g. "Lair of Hedgehogs") would be OK.
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  it isreally anoying to wait for alot of the stuff, but besides this it is fun, 3 out of 5
Sillius 15 years ago
  and by the way I already use this name ...
jondeelee 15 years ago
  I like many parts of the level, including the challenges, the animations, and the "fake out" parts that make you think you're going to die, but then something saves you.

I do have two criticisms. One, some of the animations--especially moving sections of buildings--take too long. And two, beneath the "Used Ammo" sign, you've apparently made it impossible to continue without dying--the hedgehog atop the second post doesn't move until you've respawned, i.e. it's impossible to get a "perfect" score. I don't think this should be present in this kind of level.


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jondeelee 15 years ago
  I like many parts of the level, including the challenges, the animations, and the "fake out" parts that make you think you're going to die, but then something saves you.

I do have two criticisms. One, some of the animations--especially moving sections of buildings--take too long. And two, beneath the "Used Ammo" sign, you've apparently made it impossible to continue without dying--the hedgehog atop the second post doesn't move until you've respawned, i.e. it's impossible to get a "perfect" score. I don't think this should be present in this kind of level.
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