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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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oldmtnguy 14 years ago
  Been making levels for the grand kids to play at home, so here are a couple for amateur hour. Hope you enjoy!!
Jyxz 14 years ago
  So many super hard levels yesterday and today, no more amateur hour is for sure.
chris3000 14 years ago
  Do any of you ever take a vacation? If you did i would beat you all at blockoban. except pauloalex
Jyxz 14 years ago
  yeah mario solving only 10% of the levels, game must be so easy
gamelover101 14 years ago

I found that idea on another game site,
I had an account there, but rarely use it
SimonM 14 years ago
  Wow, the blockoban levels are getting too difficult for me
ToughMan 14 years ago
  Chris, please go through the msg board and you will find your answer. Whatever you feel about the ratings there are two things more important than that (in the game). First is how much fun you personally have when creating a level and the second is that levels are primarily evaluated by the admins (that is on a more objective basis). People have different criteria when evaluating a level and you have to respect that, not necessarily understand it, but just respect it. I have bad levels myself (not attractive to the majority) which I enjoyed creating and I have others also rejected, as i believe most of the designers do. My point is that rating is just a measure (subjective at the moment since not all players actually rate) to find out among all different types of levels, difficulties, designs what ppl generally like and not whether you should continue making levels or not. Its something like your football club. It may not produce the best football, but in your eyes it may be the only one and you still support it even if it loses all the time. You may feel disappointment, frustration but you stick to it. Eventually things will come round (sun always rises at the end even after rough nights) and you will feel much better you stood up to the difficulties. Again chris, I believe you should first try to please yourself and then the others. Rating is not that important if it gets into your head.
Sillius 14 years ago
  THAT is the best idea I've seen xD
1 Rating system for quality and design etc. etc.
and 1 for Difficulty :D
gamelover101 14 years ago
  U know, I think we should make seperate ratings for lvl rating and diffuculty rating
chris3000 14 years ago
  The only reason i don't make many levels here is because people will give low ratings based on the difficulty.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  that was the 20th century that's why
MartinfraKongsberg 14 years ago
  They call it World War I and World War II, so why should we be more creative here?!
Hexicube 14 years ago
  ask JP it's on a website
MartinfraKongsberg 14 years ago
  What happened to Jump Gear 1?
Hexicube 14 years ago
  you have a point, it's like making JG3. it makes JG2 seem obsolete compared to it. it needs a creative name, I know JP tries hard but it's the truth.
Jyxz 14 years ago
  I agree I don't like blockoban 2 being called that either, I really do not like that game. And it does imply there is something needed in the original, but I am also grateful JP made this awesome game and its his by right so...
Treazer 14 years ago
  or Slideoban :D But i think Blockoban 2 is okay :)
Hexicube 14 years ago
  or DropoBan :D
ToughMan 14 years ago
  To be fair I really don't think BB2 should be called BlockoBan. They are totally different games, different strategy and kind of misleads ppl thinking BB is out-of-date, old fashioned, which of course is not true. I would suggest something like POPoBAN.

P.S. Sorry you have to read all this oldmanrob. I am the one to blame (at least for most of it)...hehe
oldmanrob 14 years ago
  After weeks spent on BB2 I'm back to the original and so surprised that the blocks don't pop.
PS lot to read here.
ToughMan 14 years ago
  Just out of curiosity guys for the rating system. Since smn's weighting power changes as he earns EXP pts, do the ratings - for each level that he has rated in the past - change along with his weighting power or does he have to go back to levels and rerate. My guess is that the second applies which ultimately means every now and then we have to visit old levels. And a chain reaction begins....
It may be trivial, not worth much discussion, but I was so worried you guys are so quiet today that I decided to give you some food for thought. That is if you are hungry...hehe
Mo 14 years ago
  Great comments, guys. Like you say, solving the puzzles is fun, but it's much more fun to optimize your solutions. That's where you really learn to play the game and it's what gives the most satisfaction (for me anyways) when you understand strategies that you can use to beat any of the levels.
oldmtnguy 14 years ago
  chris, let me echo ToughMan's remarks. Working a level, is just that. There are no fireworks to celebrate a completed level as in Super Mario. And even when completed the score can be way off. For me, that is where the fun starts. When you find a solution, or just know there is one, dig in and look for the lowest score. BB is like any sport. The more you work at it the better your moves are. Even the pros miss or fail at times. The more you play the more you will understand the blocks and groups and how they react. You don't just have 120 levels to go, you have finished 127. Myself, I still have levels to solve and continue to get beaten on my own designs. So to you, stay with us, we do need everyone of the players out there. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.

P.S. I still haven't been able to solve Never Give Up!!!!!
ToughMan 14 years ago
  chris, don't get disappointed. The fun in the game is that you need to work through a solution as if you were playing chess, stratego, pacman etc with unlimited lives and time. Once you find a good way to get it done [even if, at first, it takes longer than you originally believed and with multiple restarts] you may then try for a better solution. I would suggest strarting from the easier levels and once you get the feel of the game - trust me you will - you will be able to cope with harder levels and think ahead at least 5+ moves. Be patient, think ahead and give it a (many) shot(s). And i don't mean drinking However, IMO, the best way to understand blocks and how they move is to try it on a 'CREATE A LEVEL' board where you can actually play around with different formations. But in no case should you give up. We need all the players who eventually in their own way contribute to improving this game.

P.S. I also noticed you are very experienced player in the bonus level so I am sure most of the above are pretty familiar to you. Nevertheless, my one and only point/advice here is: Persistence. Just follow your own well designed creations named 'Think It Through'!!!! On my part i promise i dedicate a level to you called 'Never Give Up'.
Elizea 14 years ago
  If one posts 'Fantastic! 5/5' on each level, you wouldn't soon even take him serious anymore, and just ignore it ;)
Jyxz 14 years ago
  I just rate every level I play based on the fun I had solving it, if one guy made a lot of terrible levels I probably gave him a lot of 1/5 but I did comment everytime, also if someone made a lot of good levels I gave 5/5 and generally commented also. I have no doubt you are right Toughman, this established some people as enemies and as friends which lowered my overall rating power, certainly this is just funny and not something to worry about. = ) I feel negative critiquing is just as important as positive.
chris3000 14 years ago
  man 247 officials, i have 120 more lvls left, thats a lot; i'm about to give up too

oh and congrats murat, toughman, and oldmtnguy for all the great lvls, but i cannot solve either one of them. it would be nice to have a little hint to help me get started.
ToughMan 14 years ago
  Aw well, I guess we all have our ups and downs and at this moment i think Jyxz is definitely in his ups (unless he got hacked too by a Good
Elizea 14 years ago
  Shiro has lower RP than level too (lvl 40 but 28 rating power, due he got hacked once, and got rating power dimished).

I guess JP has dimished Jyxz RP manually when Jyxz came (as he were commenting all levels he played and very negative on some).

Who knows...
ToughMan 14 years ago
  No need to take this seriously Elizea. I was only kidding.

P.S. i guess though rating power is +-10/+-20 from our 'Level' as J and I have the same level (18) but differ on the power.

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Play Game "BLockoban"

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jp 16 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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