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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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Elizea 10 years ago
  BB community is hands down friendliest and nicest online community I've ever seen. Also, these "thank you community" posts have started to become a monthly event? (:
ToughMan 10 years ago
  I have to agree with Small and OMG for their remarks. I really want to thank everybody for their contribution but have come across with two problems for which I have an opinion but do not want to bias the answer so I would appreciate everyone's assistance (as a poll):
Issue 1: If you were to pay your respects to ppl within this community how would you prioritize their contribution (from 1 to 5) vis-a-vis the following (presented in alphabetical order): administrators, creator(s) of the game, designers, members and players.
Issue 2: I always have the feeling that when rating a level I should rate it as 5/5 (irrespective of quality, difficulty or any other criteria) because it is an achievement itself and every designer deserves to get boosted in order to keep making levels for all of us [Murat's way of thinking]. However I also acknowledge and resect OMR, Jxyz and other's opinion that a level should be rated accordingly in order to enhance and improve the game's quality. I believe that if the rating was out of 100 I would feel more comfortable rating all levels 95 and the remaining 5 points could go to the unique ones. I know it is more psychological but a community's existance and improvement is based on psychology. What do you guys and ladies think?

To sum it up a simple but hearted THANK YOU to everyone for making my (limited) leisure time entertaining, playful and joyful!!
oldmtnguy 10 years ago
  I have to echo small's remarks, and thank her for her kind words towards all of the designers. At times it is easy to overlook the fact that we have a tremendous amount of talent and intelligence concentrated in such a small community. We all need to put forth the effort to thank those who provide entertainment and intellectual challenge for our leisure hours. I would also like to encourage all of our designers to keep up the good work,and to remember that your efforts are greatly appreciated. I would also say that I feel honored to have been supported and accepted as a member of this elite group of artists and intellectuals.
small 10 years ago

admire all of the magnificent,marvelous, superb made levels from all players and enjoy to play all of them. Thank you to all who made such very best constructions!!!
CamoDragoon 10 years ago
  Aw, well ty SuperMario :)

There's not a lot of comments activity anymore IMO. Seems like everyone's even more busy than I am (not to so say that is their fault).

And my level Golden Hook (BLockoban) hasn't even been solved yet, and it's been out for a week now. That would've been insane back when I played this a couple years ago. Miss the activity of the pros... I know they're still around and probably just really occupied but I miss "the good old days"...

EDIT: Discovered an editor bug. Say you have a block with four links on it. If you continue to put links on it (e.g. if you were putting links on a group and dragged the arrow around) it counts these as separate objects and the block appears lighter in the editor. When you try to delete the block you have to click an extra time for each of the "stacked" links, even though there is no visual sign that anything is getting removed (other than the block darkening). This applies vice versa for blocks with any combination of stacked links, but does not appear to happen when you make blocks icy.
More of an FYI to designers than a critical problem, but there you go.

EDIT2: If you place enough of one link on a block, all other links fade and the block appears white, though it returns to its normal color in-game.
SuperMario 10 years ago
  It's fun to see Camo is making some activity on BB again :)
Coolguy52 10 years ago
  This is one of the best games for simple levels
off_42noxygene_9 10 years ago
  hi all
hello all
oldmanrob 10 years ago
  series, out of series you did a pretty nice job the last days CD. thank you.
CamoDragoon 10 years ago
  Thanks OMG (and TM)! I have to admit the levels were very difficult for me to solve myself. :)

And sorry that I didn't post a score on them lol, typically I just test a level until I solve it and once I know it is possible I avoid trying to solve it again (as oftentimes it takes me another 15 minutes to resolve the level and I don't have a lot of free time).

Thanks for the support all, I'll continue to try and make levels of a similar caliber.

P.S. Hopefully the last one (Pink Portal) was the most difficult! I tried to make it so but White Portal also took me forever to solve ;)
oldmtnguy 10 years ago
  Thanks to CamoDragoon for his portal series. This is a great set of make you think levels.
Treazer 10 years ago
  I totally agree!
There should also be an award for Gis :)
ToughMan 10 years ago
  Special Thanks to OMR for his overall contribution. Like Harry Potter he uses his stick (and probably many hours from his time), updates the levels list and shares his achievement with the rest of the members. Amazing OMR. I am grateful and respectful.

P.S. There should be an OMR and OMG (and probably others too) award with the hours put into this community translated in Experience points.
Treazer 10 years ago
  Indeed, well done, omr! :)
oldmanrob 10 years ago
  thank you guys for your kind appreciation. :)
SuperMario 10 years ago
  they're pretty good :)
oldmtnguy 10 years ago
  Thanks to oldmanrob for a really cool Harry Potter series.
SuperMario 10 years ago
  (i think there will be a) levelflood incoming, yes another, again...
oldmanrob 10 years ago
  great job omg. you're (one of) the best we have.
oldmtnguy 10 years ago
  I have just updated eight levels that had duplicate names. What I have done is place a space and the number one behind the duplicate levels. This is just to let any of you designers know why the name was changed.
Maze 1 (BLockoban)
Pyramid 1 (BLockoban)
Two Boxes 1 (BLockoban)
Four Corners 1 (BLockoban)
Big Bang 1 (BLockoban)
Blue Cruise 1 (BLockoban)
Crossroads 1 (BLockoban)
S.O.S 1 (BLockoban)
SuperMario 10 years ago
  I still agree with toughman's advice, you don't have to get the exact category for a level, we also have wrongly categorized levels.
oldmanrob 10 years ago
  the difference between a hard medium level and a not that hard hard level isn't that big. so i think your chose is ok. there isn't any reason to change anything. don't bother about that and go on creating levels. thank you for the "levelflood". :)
AK 10 years ago
  Sorry to everyone for my inability to know categories for this game. Although I may be good at puzzles, it is very challenging for me to decide what the difficulties are for most levels.

Therefore, the difficulty of some of my levels may be a bit off. If you have ideas as to what a level category could be for one of my levels, post it in the comments, it'll probably be the best category.
SuperMario 10 years ago
  i smell levelflood. eh ak?
lmr 10 years ago
  Congrats AK. Good luck with your next challenge!
AK 10 years ago
  After 3 and a half years of battling this game, I have finally gotten in the top 50. This means I am now in the top 50 for every game! :DDD

Now, for the real challenge: Beat every official level...
Treazer 10 years ago
  Wow, that's pretty much, congrats thecat! :)
thecat 10 years ago
  yes 5000 level,s solved
SimonM 10 years ago
  I think it's possible to do OMR thing with code. But coding that would be a challenge though.
ToughMan 10 years ago
  Noted Simon. Thanks. I guess we should all be counting on OMR to keep updating the list. Out of curiosity again, isn't it possible to upload that list (that is to become an official BB feature or even a BL one) whereby only admins of let's say 'LvL 3' could edit them, one of them being OMR or whoever is chosen?
That way we will overcome the QuickSearch issue because we would all go to the list and search for whatever we want (name, category, etc) and find ALL the results instead of just 5 or 10, and b) we would see all the relevant info of each level. If, with the help of a software you can automatically link the highscore of each, then I think this could solve all my questions otherwise we can the highscore comparison aside (which is not so important).

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jp 16 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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