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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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nelson90 1 year ago
  This message is for designers. Most of you are doing things properly, I would simply like to recall two important rules.

- a level must obviously be possible, and I have to make sure of that before accepting it. Although I have the ability to solve most levels, there are still some for which I have not yet found the solution, especially some very hard levels of suhangha and suhangha-2. Therefore, I would like to ask the designers to score on their hard levels. I don't know if you can save a score on a grey (to be evaluated) level, let me know if it is not possible.
Please note that I will not accept a video of the solution.

- each level must have a good thumbnail, taken in test mode whilst holding shift key. Apparently, a few designers seem to consider that the thumbnail is not important, they take a very small part of the board, sometimes a single block. Please be aware that the thumbnail should represent the level. It is especially useful when the level is part of a pack, it allows to have a preview of each level without having to open it.
If you want to see some examples of good thumbnails, just have a look at official levels. Don't hesitate to take a large part of the level board, or even the whole level if it is not too big.
I'll mark some grey levels to be edited, so that their creators can retake the thumbnail.
nelson90 1 year ago
  @PuzzleFan: I got your PM, but I couldn't answer you directly because your inbox doesn't accept any message. I have edited your post, I hope it worked and you can get it.
suhangha 1 year ago
  I too have been diagnosed with an autism disorder because too very introverted
And somehow I was very brilliant in the field of mathematics.
(extremely rare coincidence to Chris)
When I was in school, I had no interest in anything other than art and math and technology. but nowly music making with math - recent situation
via discord - bl server - music

greyanna, ygg4 is THAT difficult and THAT
color BWB style so I leveled to THAT MUCH in Universter, thanks

Actually my BWB levels is bad wave levels, not too difficult but boring - levels 81 to 88
chris3000 1 year ago
  Hi, look I finished my pack so I guess just leave it unevaluated because I will have to keep updating it whenever new levels are accepted. On a second note I will be taking a break from this for a while, I have 1350 lvls left, I have solved 15 more tonight, some old which I'm thrilled about. Pool garden, M.Y.592, Puddle, Absurd, Quick Design 36, Banal Squares, and a few more.

I just don't have anymore patience on 75% of these, most are long boring, and too big to figure out what to do so I am gonna have to eliminate the stress of my life. I have enough issues and responsibilities in my daily life. I do have many talents because of my autism. They diagnosed me in 1996, I am one of the many people who are on the autism spectrum. I am good at advanced geometry and algebra/calculus. I already know which levels I'm not solving and will stay in my unplayed tab forever. So I am going back to PI and Jellify for now. There are many Block Travel levels I can't get plus most of greyanna's big designs. There's a lot from YGG4 that are complex and hard too so I give up for now but that's just the way it is. I knew I still wouldn't be able to do it, :(

Let me go, I'm done! Bye. I will still continue to create my designs and upload them for you all to play, that will never end but as far as the levels until I get help/hints I will have to stop for now. (Do not post videos on the solutions just send me hints or PM me, of how to start). I'm flattered that I still can't solve Start to the End from Gary. Well I've said enough, if any of you come back and read this you'll know I was serious. (PA, Jos, TM, murat, Monty, YGG4, omr, etc.)

magnacumlaud 1 year ago
  hey suhangha please make packs
nelson90 1 year ago
  Thanks suhangha-2. I marked level 9.6 to be edited and reset the scores of level 112. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to delete a single score, I apologize to the other players.
suhangha-2 1 year ago
  As Nelson mentioned, Impossible Level 9.6 (misrespawned by chris) and impossible score in Level 112
Quoting nelson90 from Game "BLockoban"
I looked at the logs on the last levels created by Suhangha and Suhangha-2. I found 21 levels that Chris updated twice and still has a score, not only 3. Indeed, there could be more.

Block Travel 8.8 (BLockoban)
Block Travel 8.M (BLockoban)
Block Travel 8.9 (BLockoban)
Block Travel 9.6 (BLockoban)
Block Travel 9.7 (BLockoban)
108 Dozenal Hexign (BLockoban)
107 Royal Sinkhole (BLockoban)
Block Travel 8.7 (BLockoban)
Block Travel 9.5 (BLockoban)
Block Travel 8.2 (BLockoban)
123 Swamp (BLockoban)
Four Spot (BLockoban)
Three Red (BLockoban)
Get into it (BLockoban)
118 Surfing BL (BLockoban)
116 Arcade BL (BLockoban)
115 Royal BL (BLockoban)
114 Technology BL (BLockoban)
113 Golden BL (BLockoban)
112 Icefield BL (BLockoban)
110 Compass BL (BLockoban)

On level 112 Icefield BL (BLockoban), he has scored 12, I’m pretty sure that score is impossible.
Level Block Travel 9.6 (BLockoban) is probably not possible. In addition, this is a variant of a much easier level ElecTricky GreenLife (BLockoban) that Chris is unable to solve (see his comment on the level).

Can we still trust an admin who is not able to keep his promises and respect the rules, considering that this is at least the fourth time?
What do you think of that?
chris3000 1 year ago
  Message removed...
magnacumlaud 1 year ago
@gameinsky what a 'great' joke with an unloged Mo-Phantom!
john96 1 year ago
  Hi Mo, welcome back. How have you been doing since the pandemic, a lot of things have changed, everyone has to wear a mask before going outdoors. I agree, we all need to be working together to make BL a peaceful place. If all of us are arguing it will scare newcomers away.

1000 solved btw! How hard is Archery?
gameinsky 1 year ago
  Hello Mo! Nice to see you again!
Mo 1 year ago
  Hello all. Just thought I would log back in here after all these years to see if the site was still up. Nice to see some familiar folks around. Remember to treat everyone with the kindness you would like to be treated with. :-)
Coolguy52 1 year ago
  Wait - this is in 2022. Did you not say you were inactive for 4 years because of this? Also you claim that you were given £50,000. Surely in Belgium you use euros and not pounds?
murat0 1 year ago

Here, it was a cyclone actually but still that did damage near our area. Read all of it if you're interested.
gameinsky 1 year ago
  If you're not lying then can you link the article about the typhoon? I'm sure you should not have any difficulty finding it since such an occurance would be all over the belgian news.
murat0 1 year ago
  I am not lying. We did feel the ground shake some and our town did as well, then a few hours later the typhoon came storming in, we're lucky/glad that no one got seriously hurt.

Honestly it is absurd that we are wasting arguing over an internet gaming site. We should be helping each other out, not fighting/arguing. Well I will say no more here. I will continue to solve and create levels in my unique/chic style.

Best regards,
gameinsky 1 year ago
  That's an interesting story. I've lived in Belgium all my life, and I have never heard of a typhoon ever hitting us.

Belgium doesn't get hit by major earthquakes because it's not located anywhere near a fault line. It also can't get hit by typhoons because typhoons are exclusive to the pacific ocean, located on the literal other end of the world to Belgium.

So can I ask why you're lying?
brainuser_4 1 year ago
@chris Stop to disgrace former clever members with your dumb mind in form of phantom-accounts!

Chris new hobby lying with every sentence.
murat0 1 year ago
  Well from what I have read the past day, here is my opinion, we should not be worried about how many levels we have solved, what matters is that everyone is being respectful and kind to each other and that we are having fun playing the game. We should also focus on the main core of it which are the officials.

If I find levels hard or boring, I do not rate them or solve them as it would drain the fun. I don't worry about many levels I have left. I do think you're still an excellent member Chris even though you got carried away with the cheating. And it's an honor that you got to be admin Nelson, congratulations!

@GIS: I live in Southwest Belgium. It's a rare occurance we get hit by huge earthquakes/typhoons and other weather storms. Hope everyone is having a good holiday season so far.
braiuser_4 1 year ago
...Perfect speech to yourself! But you as dumb don't realize, LOL

Be careful: Don't minimize your endless responsibility for a pretty much dead site.

I would guess gameinsky + chris = brothers as doubledumbs they are.

@chris SHUT UP DUMB!

You made:
and more with all this lying stories!

I have never deny myself! And I make accounts as much as i want!

gameinsky you are such unable bum - have a nice day - feel free doing it with huge responsibility next week 24/7 HAHAHA Keep on, pls! Keep on, pls! Keep on, pls!
gameinsky 1 year ago
  I mean, the only thing you're achieving with this is making yourself look even more pathetic. It takes 2 seconds to delete a comment.

I am flattered you think I am important enough in your life you need to dedicate so much time doing stuff like this.

Just like Chris, I'd recommend you doing something else with your life, you seem a little obsessed with the happenings of a pretty much dead site.

This is not even just beating on a dead horse, this is just spitting on its grave every day. You think the horse cares, but it doesn't even understand your language, and is also too dead to care even if it could.

If you want me to grant your childlike wish of having the last word, you can have it I frankly don't care enough.

ps it's spelled 'brain'.
braiuser_4 1 year ago
  I would guess gameinsky + chris = brothers as doubledumbs they are

Keep busy! LOL Keep busy! LOL Keep busy! LOL Keep busy! LOL Keep busy! LOL Keep busy! LOL Keep busy! LOL Keep busy! LOL

@chris SHUT UP DUMB!

You made:
and more with all this lying stories!

I have never deny myself! And I make accounts as much as i want!

Keep busy! LOL Keep busy! LOL Keep busy! LOL Keep busy! LOL Keep busy! LOL Keep busy! LOL Keep busy! LOL Keep busy! LOL

gameinsky you are such unable bum - have a nice day - feel free doing it with huge responsibility next week 24/7 HAHAHA
braiuser_4 1 year ago
  Message removed...
braiuser_4 1 year ago
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braiuser_4 1 year ago
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braiuser_4 1 year ago
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braiuser_4 1 year ago
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braiuser_4 1 year ago
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braiuser_4 1 year ago
  Message removed...

Games forum

Play Game "BLockoban"

First post of the topic

jp 16 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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