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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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dingdong 12 years ago
jasperpostema 12 years ago
  What do the C's next to the lvls mean? I only know Blue=Kids, Black=Easy
jasperpostema 12 years ago
  Finally I am good in BLockoban!
Ferrari12 12 years ago
  In my opinion, we don't need a new category of levels between "accepted" and "to be edited". I think there's no need for it. What I think would be much better is to have category between "official" and "accepted".
lmr 12 years ago
  Once again I will state( as I did about 3 or 4 months ago) When I create a level, I get an idea, create it, test it, tweek it, test it,thumbnail, local save, retest, solve. Solve again, upload. After I upload i play my level through my page. Thus the administrators know that it is a level that is playable, solvable and has a number of moves from which to optimize.
My point is you should all stop whining and going on about becoming TM's. If you created levels correctly in the first place you wouldn't need to edit them afterwards!!!!!!! By the time one is able to create levels, you should have enough experience to set the difficulty level. Based on similar levels.
Think about it!!!
By the way I really don't like the recent plethora of copy-cat levels.
Look at Pa's level #10668 'Tribute to new award' That is only one I remember the name of the original, as an example of what I am talking about.
CamoDragoon 12 years ago
  I get it, sort of a community editing box.

I think that might not work though, seeing as people often will disagree about categories, etc.
But it's a good idea :)
Jyxz 12 years ago
  Well I'm saying that if a level needs editing it just needs to be left in acknowledged then once its ship shape its moved to accepted, its not a question of being able to edit its a question of needing to, and once a level is accepted you shouldn't have to etc. etc.
CamoDragoon 12 years ago
  @chris I've never believed in the big maps category because it doesn't tell you how difficult a level is, it just tells you it's a big level. Duh. :P

@Jyxz maybe call it "Optimization" rather than acknowledged? :P
Yes, that might be a good idea, I too prefer the fun and challenge of solving those concise, tricky levels, rather than the challenge of cutting down as much as possible on my move count.

Although I disagree with the shouldn't be ANYONE, even if they were editable, and I think trusted members are a good idea for just making life easier for OMG. :)
chris3000 12 years ago
  Should there be a big maps category like in BB2?
SimonM 12 years ago
  I agree on first part, not on the edit part.
edit: I think there should be a 250th official level, because it's a more round and less scaring number.
Jyxz 12 years ago
  I think since there are going to be no more official levels we really need a new level category: Acknowledged: meaning that a level is solvable and fun to optimize but not quite original enough to be accepted. I have always found the most fun in levels that have around 5-8 targets but are so hard they take me hours to solve... then there are levels that present no challenge at all and certainly no original challenge, but I know they are great for the more active players who love to optimize, however I find with so many of them the levels that have a lot of time and genius thrown into them tend to get lost in the clutter. I dunno if what I'm saying make sense but I'm just trying to start the discussion, I'll add more thoughts later.

Edit: Anyone should be able to edit acknowledged levels until are refined enough to be accepted... then accepted levels I think shouldn't be allowed to be edited at all, trusted or not.
jasperpostema 12 years ago
  Elevator (BLockoban), Sory admins, I forgot to write UNF. Now it's really done...
oldmtnguy 12 years ago
  Hey Jyxz it's good to have you back you have been missed. Hope you realize that if you hadn't been gone for so long it wouldn't be so hard to catch up.
Jyxz 12 years ago
  So on a lighter note... I solved over 100 blockoban levels today, around 200 if you count the ones from after midnight last night. =)

So I was trying to make it to <1000 levels unsolved, while oldmtnguy was accepting new levels! I had to work hard to solve faster then he could accept them. =)
jasperpostema 12 years ago
  Wow wow, take it easy! What do ya mean??
magnacumlaud 12 years ago
  Do U have any other PROBLEMS ?????
jasperpostema 12 years ago
  So you need skills, be trusted by admins et cetera?
Ferrari12 12 years ago
  I'd also like to point out, trusted members don't have to be selected by the game creator. Admin level 1s can also add trusted members. E.g. I added Kiethy342 as trusted in JG2 some time ago.
jasperpostema 12 years ago
  Oh Ok then :/
AK 12 years ago
  Great explanation OMG!

Basically, trusted members are members that are able to be trusted by the admins of the game, or admin of this site (JP). That's the short version.
oldmtnguy 12 years ago
  They were chosen by jp and his administrators as they were needed for exhibiting the level of character that I mentioned. And I'm not saying that nobody else deserves to be trusted. If jp feels that more trusted members are required then I'm sure that more will be appointed.
jasperpostema 12 years ago
  How to be trusted then? How did people become Trusted?
oldmtnguy 12 years ago
  Let me explain about a trusted member. Being a trusted member is not an award. A trusted member has access to and the ability to edit his/her own uploaded levels. A trusted member has no access to other players levels except to play.
The position of trusted member was created to allow for small editing changes normally done by an administrator. Such as spelling corrections in the title or changing of difficulty category. The levels could also be modified if there was an error in design. This is where the term trusted comes into play. If a level is changed so as to make the current scores impossible,then an administrator needs to be called to reset the affected scores. If this happens too often it adds too much confusion to the game. That is why a member is trusted not to make unnecessary changes. If every member was allowed to change their own levels whenever they felt like it, the game would be thrown into chaos. That is why most of the changes are left up to an administrator.
Qualifications to be a trusted member are being a good proven designer, not submitting unproven or unacceptable levels, not causing unnecessary conflict, an excellent knowledge of the game and how it works, a concern for excellence in the game and a proven mature attitude.
jasperpostema 12 years ago
  I made 10 levels, be in Designer List...
lmr 12 years ago
  Ah gee Ak,
I don't qualify by your criteria. 106 levels made, rated 49(in top 50) but slightly below top ten designers.
AK 12 years ago
  Yeah, but those are the bare MINIMUM things you have to do to be trusted. If I had a game, and wanted to make people trusted, it might be harder, say 40 levels made, in the top 50, and in the top 10 spots on the designers list.

But that's only me. The requirements will differ depending on the person and the game.
chris3000 12 years ago
  I think i've done all those tasks.
AK 12 years ago
  You'd.... make me trusted? 8D

Actually, I don't think I deserve it yet. I think trusted members should be in top 100, be in the designers list, and have made at least 10 levels.

I'll try for those. :)
CamoDragoon 12 years ago
  Congratulations small on becoming a Blockoban Addict! :)
azz 12 years ago
  Does anyone think i should be trusted?
Judging by the comments on some of my levels i think people like them.

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Play Game "BLockoban"

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jp 16 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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