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Topic, Game "Puzzle It"

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SimonM 12 years ago
  Dual blocks are now implemented. If any one notice a bug, please notify me, so I can eliminate that bug.
Treazer 12 years ago
  Yay, dual blocks implemented! :D
SuperMario 12 years ago
  Complete 500 levels in Puzzle It!

Just 507 levels here today?


Edit: What are you going to do with this game now, Simon?
azz 12 years ago
  Oh an achievement :P wish me luck!
Treazer 12 years ago
  Congratulations Jos, good job!
Sherlock 12 years ago
  Wow, 500 levels. How hard-working to gain!

Now I saw that hard levels, Treazer. Previously I haven't seem, maybe the computer's problem.
Jos 12 years ago
  First to get the award!
Treazer 12 years ago
  What do you mean Sherlock? We have 11 hard levels...
Sherlock 12 years ago
  And also the level editor becomes messier and messier. XD
Strangely there are no hard levels but have four insanes.=.=
Treazer 12 years ago
  I really like the new colour changers, Simon. Puzzle It will get many new concepts with it, good job! :)
SimonM 12 years ago
  Well this system do allow to make your coloured blocks into dummies and it can provide new level ideas.
oldmanrob 12 years ago
  Imo you can use coloured blocks and not dummies (or grey blocks) and have the same game at Colour my world (Puzzle It) for instance.
Treazer 12 years ago
  Ah, I see! :)
SimonM 12 years ago
  Real dummies, can't be recoloured, grey blocks, are blocks that are coloured grey. But grey blocks are special and don't need to be matched. Real dummies could look like the wall.
Treazer 12 years ago
  I don't understand, what should be the difference between dummies and grey blocks? How should dummies look? They must have a colour.
SimonM 12 years ago
  Rob has a point, I'll add a real dummy later in the game. Grey blocks do have a colour(grey), but don't need to be matched.
Treazer 12 years ago
  No, it makes it even better IMO :) Why should they be excluded?
SimonM 12 years ago
  Not really, It provides a lot of extra possibilities, check the newest levels, they use that as well. I could add a real dummy later in the game.
oldmanrob 12 years ago
  The colour change is nice. But shouldn't the dummies be excluded from that metamorphosis?
SimonM 12 years ago
  Yeah, such things can happen, luckily it wasn't a bug. :p
Ferrari12 12 years ago
  I can see colour changers in the editor, but why don't they show up in the game itself? Is it a flaw, or is it my computer?

[edit] It turns out I was playing a not fully updated version of the game. It works now.
Treazer 12 years ago
  Yay coulour changers implemented!
SimonM 12 years ago
  Colour changers are now succesfully added. If any one notices something strange with them, let me know so I can investigate those anomalities.
earllike1234 12 years ago
  Gosh! More tiles? I can't believe I've been idle for months...
SimonM 12 years ago
  No, the amount of officials haven't been changed. It stayed on 66 levels.
Sherlock 12 years ago
  And we have to finish it again???
Oh... I don't think I will remember the solution >_<...\

Are the official levels now less than before? Isn't here 90+ levels?
SimonM 12 years ago
  I've reset the scores on a few levels, because the scores were corrupted due a previous bug which is now fixed.

These are the levels:
- Combo Spiral (Puzzle It)
- Evening It (Puzzle It)
- Connecting (Puzzle It)
- Slippery Connecting (Puzzle It)
- Oooh! New Stuff (Puzzle It)
- Locked Combination (Puzzle It)
- Combination Ladder (Puzzle It)
- Green Serpent (Puzzle It)
- Simultaneously (Puzzle It)
SimonM 12 years ago
  Ah ok, well it isn't a bad bug, I just won't allow levels that start with blocks already matching.
Treazer 12 years ago
  I just scored 0. But it won't work, if the blocks aren't already matched at the start. As you won't allow it, it don't need to be fixed :P Just reload the page.
SimonM 12 years ago
  It's best to have no glitches in gameplay.

BonusLevel One-Move (Puzzle It) Can some one try to get 0 moves on this level, I think that the glitch accidently got fixed. Now I need to be sure though.

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SimonM 12 years ago
  Puzzle It is my first real game.
I'll keep updating Puzzle It.
If you've suggestions for Puzzle It, you can post them here: Puzzle It : Tile Suggestions.
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